Saturday 19 March 2011

Just a quickie

Watcha – Just a quick one today as it has been chaos here in Bideford !! – Tell you why in bit …… do you remember last week when I was talking about ‘cocking my leg’ – Well although I was doing pretty well and haven’t fell over yet, I thought I might need a few more lessons as it is all so new. So, I have employed a Chinese Master who is 4th Dan Black belt at the art who is called Mr. Pee-Ying  ……… he has sent me an instructional video to study, and I though you might like a look at it -

Mr. Pee Ying from Peking peeing

Mr. Pee Ying – You are the Master

Well, why has it been chaos I hear you all cry …. well my Sister, Rhea has been to the vets because she has got a tumour on her leg despite only being 6 months old – bummer eh?

Anyway, she had an operation on Thursday to have it taken off …….. she was dead brave and came home with her leg bandaged right up …….. and a bucket on her head stopping her licking it !!! – It was supposed to stop her getting the dressings off, but old Harry Houdini escaped in about 2 minutes flat …… Chris and Maureen chased her around the room a bit and put another on …… 2 minutes later, that one was off as well, and so it continued providing me with hours of entertainment - It has for 2 days now and they had to go back to the vets this morning to get some more bandages …. they didn’t stay on any longer than the others …. so, Chris disappears and goes to all the Chemists in North Devon to buy some more but he would have stood more chance of buying Rocking Horse s++t …. anyway he went to the other vet in Bideford and rang the emergency bell and “good on ‘em” they sold him yet more AND, he came home with some device to stick on her big conk and guess what ….. that’s stopped her little game …. but she looks like something some M.P. might pay good money for in Soho !!!!


They have sent the lump away for testing and we’ll get the results early in the week ….. hope it’s all okay for her anyway……

Only one other thing, those who have been following me, have now being doing it a whole year as today is the anniversary of me coming to live in Bideford and just for old time sake, this is what I looked like then ------


Thanks for sticking with me – Take Care – Cody


DONNA said...

What a whole year ... it has gone far to quick. We hope rhea will be fine, I am sure she will be ok !!

Anonymous said...

Hope Rhea is ok. I keep checking the Blog to see what's going on. One day, when I know what show you and Donna will be at (round Somerset way) I'll bring Daisy along, so she can meet her family.
