Saturday 16 October 2010

What a Player

Hi All

How is it going then?

Not too much to report really except we went away in the motor home up to Wales -

"There's lovely isn't it" -

"I left my bicycle outside the shop and there it was ....... GONE"

"You see those two houses on the hill - Well mine's the one in the middle"

"I've shit myself have you"

"Who's boots are them shoes with no laces tied together and no name in them marked Jones" !!!!

You know Wales where they charge you £10.90 to get in, and then when you get back to England, it's free to get in - Bit like all the other places you get into England - except we didn't get a free house, car, driving lessons, colour telly and loads of benefits !!

We were going away for a week or ten days or so but Chris's Dad was not too well and as his Mother is already in Hospital, we kept getting phone calls to say how ill he was - so we came back early ..... he is fine but we must say a big thanks to Chris's mate Bruce who was a star !!

While we were in Wales, I was entered in the South Wales Kennel Association Championship Dog Show - I have never seen so many dogs, must have been a couple of thousand - my nose was sore after sniffing all those other backsides I can tell you. Well - I went into the show ring and the Judge did his thing and asked Maureen "How old is this little bundle of mischief" - Not too far from the truth eh? - Anyway, I did my bit and guess what, he gave me third place and because it was a Championship Show - I qualified to go to CRUFTS next year ........ not anyone can go there, you have to qualify .... mind you, Chris took a picture of my good side and you see just how handsome I am ....

We went up to Malvern then as there was another show but we only got to walk on the Malvern Hills once and then we came home but I think we will be going back from what they were saying.

Chris has had Golden Retrievers before and today, it is the anniversary of Talon dying 10 years ago ...... so to commemorate that, as he was so brilliant, here is a link to his website .... it is not a brilliant site, only two pages and was the first one Chris ever did - but read it, I think it says it all and see if you can get to the end without a bit of a tear ....

Tally and Sakes we still miss you.

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